Let's chat

To find out more, let's chat!

I'd love to hear more about what's brought you here so please feel free to book a call at this link or get in touch by phone, WhatsApp or emailThere's no charge for these calls and no commitment to working with me.  If the days and times don’t work for you, don’t worry - just drop me an email, text or WhatsApp and we can look for something suitable.

If we agree to progress with coaching, I will ask you to complete an online form which will set out your chosen coaching programme as well as the commitments we make to each other in working together.  

Coaching sessions are typically 60 minutes and held virtually (via Google Meet) at a mutually convenient time and rhythm that we agree.  In-person coaching sessions and chats over coffee can also be arranged for those based in South-East and Central London. 

Contact Details

+44 (0)7828 219952


Book a call